Lidcombe to Granville Corridor Upgrade – Auburn Junction

Accredited & Experienced Signal Engineers




Auburn, NSW



The Lidcombe to Granville Corridor Upgrade Program was program of works to upgrade rail infrastructure from Lidcombe to Granville. In particular, Rail Planning Services were involved in the Auburn Junction Project requiring the removal of redundant track, upgrading of existing track, replacement of OHW infrastructure, upgrades to track drainage and upgrading of signalling, communications, and control systems.

Rail Planning Services provided accredited and experienced Signal Engineers to assist with the construction management, inspection, testing and commissioning for both Stage 7 (a new connection to the Auburn Maintenance Facility and Clyburn) and Auburn Junction. Our scope included construction management and commissioning planning, installation inspections to ensure compliance with NSW standards and Bell Testing of new trackside equipment. Our team worked with the Microlok interlockings and trackside equipment, assisting with design, control system testing, system function testing and final equipment certification.