Possession Strategy and Constructability Advisor





The MTMS Stage 2 program is a holistic and integrated delivery plan to implement service improvements on the T4, T8 and South Coast lines. Designed to deliver capacity, reliability and connectivity improvements for customers, the Program will deliver the requisite fleet, enabling network infrastructure, power, and supporting readiness activities utilising an integrated and efficient approach. This will enable us to deliver more services more reliably to customers travelling on the rail network.

The scope for MTMS Stage 2 includes:

(a) Upgrade of the T4 lines including central station platform extensions, signalling, southern stabling options (Wollongong, Port Kembla, Waterfall and Sutherland) station upgrade works and station upgrades; and

(b) Upgrades to T8 including traction power, the airport line station upgrades, fire life and safety to the airport line tunnel.